Social Impact
We, like many health and behavioral health professionals, are concerned about the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on their well-being, the people to whom they provide services, their families, and others in the community.
BRM Society has been working on multiple fronts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ensure access to services, such as mask manufacturing and free distribution, sanitizer distribution, Ration distribution to needy families, vaccination camps in rural areas etc. We are also working on promoting disease prevention efforts (including disseminating accurate information from trusted sources), and to help address anxiety and other concerns that are arising as a result of this public health crisis.

Blood Donation Camps
The most important need of the hour is blood; especially for Thalassemia Patients who require blood transfusions every 10-15 days. We have been organizing blood donation camps regularly from past 8 years. We’re trying to help with a few units of blood through our generous volunteers. Two blood donation camps are organized on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi & Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanthi.
Request all the kind donors to come forward and make these camps successful.

Tree Plantation
Trees planted by the streets and in the parks add to the scenic beauty of the spot. A tree will be there for ages profiting everyone in its specific manner. If you plant a tree today, at that point, your coming ages will be profited by it—one of the best future investment to make for your youngsters. One of the recognized purposes behind tree plantation is forestry. forests are quickly diminishing from the surface of the earth since people are cutting trees for business purposes. Despite the way that forests develop normally, there is a need to regrow them at a more noteworthy rate than the rate at which they are destroyed. Aside from improving the bio-diversity, trees additionally add to the natural beauty of a spot.
Society regularly organizes tree plantation drives throughout the year and distributes plants in rural and urban areas. Till now, we have planted more than 50,000 through our drives and camps trees and are determined to do so continuously. Special Programs are organized on Environment Day every year.

Women’s Day Celebration
Women’s empowerment is the process in which women elaborate and recreate what it is that they can be, do, and accomplish in a circumstance that they previously were denied. Empowerment can be defined in many ways, however, when talking about women’s empowerment, empowerment means accepting and allowing people (women) who are on the outside of the decision-making process into it. “This puts a strong emphasis on participation in political structures and formal decision-making and, in the economic sphere, on the ability to obtain an income that enables participation in economic decision-making.

Various Sports events has been organized through casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills, relation between employees and employer, teacher and student while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators. These events provide a showcase and honing stage to local talents in rural area. Beside all these all participants gets a break from daily schedule from monotonous pattern of life.